Tuesday, April 04, 2006


So, it occured to me, that unless you count pre-school, I have never finished a level of education at the same school.

Here goes:
Pre K-K: Creative Learning Center, Somewhere in Suburban Atlanta, GA
1-2: North Cobb Christian School, Kennesaw, GA
2-5: Hamilton Crossing Elementary School, Cassville, GA
6-7: The Darlington School, Rome, GA
8-9: The Pingry School, Martinsville, NJ
10: Albemarle High School, Charlottesville, VA
11-12: Monticello High School, Charlottesville, VA
College 1-3: Piedmont Virginia Community College, Charlottesville, VA
College 4-5: Providence College, Providence, RI

Hell, just in Virginia I've lived in Richmond, Albemarle (3 locations), Nelson (2 locations). And if you count our post housefire (2000) transience period, that adds about one month each to locations in Albemarle, Charlottesville and Fluvanna.

I've always moved around a lot, and occasionally I think having been born and raised in one town might be nice. But the overwhelming variety of places I've seen makes me able to adapt to almost anything, and I think that's pretty invaluable.


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